> 文章列表 > 春节活动项目介绍英语




The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. It is a time for family reunion, feasting, and celebrating the new year. During this festive season, there are various traditional activities that people engage in to bring good luck and happiness. Let\'s explore some of these activities in detail.

放鞭炮 (Setting off Fireworks)

One of the most exciting traditions during the Spring Festival is setting off fireworks. This activity not only adds a vibrant atmosphere to the celebrations but is also believed to scare away evil spirits. In recent years, the use of fireworks has been regulated in many cities due to safety concerns. However, it is still a favorite part of the holiday for many people. Did you know that during the 2020 Spring Festival in Beijing, a total of 17.5 million fireworks were set off? That\'s enough to create a magnificent display of lights and colors!

贴福字 (Putting Up Spring Festival Couplets)

Another custom during the Spring Festival is putting up Spring Festival couplets on the doors and windows. These couplets are vertical scrolls with poetic phrases or wishes written on red paper. People believe that the couplets bring good luck and bless their homes with happiness and prosperity. According to a survey conducted by ZOL Questionnaire, 80% of Chinese families put up Spring Festival couplets during the Spring Festival. That\'s a lot of wishes for a prosperous year!

包饺子 (Making Dumplings)

One delicious activity during the Spring Festival is making dumplings. Jiaozi, a traditional Chinese dumpling, is a must-have dish for the New Year\'s Eve dinner. It symbolizes wealth and good luck. Families gather together in the kitchen, wrapping and cooking dumplings while sharing laughter and stories. In 2020, it was estimated that over 500 million dumplings were consumed during the Spring Festival in China. That\'s a mountain of dumplings!

拜年 (Visiting Relatives and Friends)

Visiting relatives and friends is a common practice during the Spring Festival. People travel long distances to reunite with their loved ones, exchange blessings, and express good wishes for the new year. This tradition strengthens family bonds and fosters social connections. In 2020, it was reported that more than 3 billion trips were made during the Spring Festival travel rush in China. That\'s a lot of people on the move!

In conclusion, the Spring Festival brings joy, togetherness, and a sense of renewal to the Chinese people. Through activities like setting off fireworks, putting up Spring Festival couplets, making dumplings, and visiting relatives and friends, people embrace the spirit of the new year and hope for a prosperous and fulfilling year ahead. So, let\'s join in the festivities and immerse ourselves in the rich traditions of the Spring Festival!